Monthly Archives: June 2020

Thank You NHPCO!

NHPCO asks the Administration to extend COVID public health emergency. The Hospice and Palliative Care Community continues to provide high quality care to their patients and families during the COVID-19 pandemic as we have through many public health crises over the years. High Peaks Hospice is so grateful to the administration at NHPCO for the

2020-06-29T14:33:16-04:00June 29th, 2020|

End Of Life Presentation hosted by the Conkling Center

On Tuesday, June 23, our Executive Director, Nick George will be presenting an end of life discussion in partnership with Jessica Botelho, Esq. with Harris-Pero & Botelho, PLLC. This presentation is being hosted via Zoom by the Conkling Center. To sign up, contact Program Coordinator Kim Harvish at, or call 518-793-1494 and leave a

2020-06-15T15:07:18-04:00June 15th, 2020|
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