Monthly Archives: February 2020

Tips for Hospice Caregivers

Hospice Caregivers are those individuals who on a day-to-day basis provide the physical and emotional personal care for the patients. There may be many caregivers for any one patient or there may be only one. The responsibilities placed on the caregivers are enormous and take a huge psychological and physical toll.  Many caregivers become so

2020-02-18T08:51:02-05:00February 18th, 2020|

February Newsletter

Here's an update on what's happening at High Peaks Hospice! Deb Brown Bishop is one of our newest nurses here at High Peaks Hospice, and we’re excited about it because she’s the first nurse whose internship with us lead to her coming on as a full-time staff member. Before Deb started here as a nurse,

2020-02-07T12:13:42-05:00February 5th, 2020|
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