Volunteers can support all kinds of needs…
Are you finding it difficult to have time to complete tasks like grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, and walking your dog? Our Volunteer Manager can match up a volunteer to your family’s specific needs. Our volunteers can assist with completing these tasks or they can spend time with your loved one, allowing some time for you to accomplish your to-do list.
Feeling burnt out and in need of a break? We understand that caregiving for a loved one, although important and neccessary, is also hard work and time consuming. All too often we see caregivers put their own needs to the side for too long and, over time, this can lead to caregiver burnout. Our volunteers are ready and able to assist you by providing much needed respite time, allowing you breaks to focus on your own needs and self-care.
A volunteer can provide visits that are a few hours in length and can include:
- General companionship
- Reading aloud
- Assistance with pets
- Cooking/baking/meal preparation
- Assistance with patients’ hobbies
- Performing light yard or housework
- Running errands
- Singing or playing an instrument
- Praying together
- and many more services
If you would like more information or are interested in having one of our wonderful hospice volunteers visit your home, please click below to contact us. Our Volunteer Manager will be happy to assist you.
Interested in becoming a volunteer? Please click the button below to be redirected to our Ways to Volunteer Page.

“You matter because you are. You matter to the last moment of your life. And we will do all we can to not only help you die peacefully, but also to help you live until you die”.