
Without your generous hearts, we would not be able to support the number of families that we do today.

Hospice care tends to the whole person rather than just the physical manifestations of illness. Our care is not just for the individual facing illness, but also his or her loved ones. Providing this all encompassing care comes at a greater cost. Thanks to the generosity of individuals and community organizations, no family is ever turned away due to an inability to pay.

You may mail check donations to: High Peaks Hospice, 1247 Dix Ave, Hudson Falls, NY 12839

If you wish to make a donation in the name of a loved one simply include a note with your donation. For online donations, you will be prompted below.

Your financial support means the world to us. Thank you!

Your donation could increase significantly if your company provides a match.
Check with your HR/Payroll Department to see if your company participates in a Corporate Match program

Donation Questions?

Contact our Development Department:


Donation F.A.Q.s

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