If I make a memorial donation will I automatically continue to receive solicitations or can I opt to not receive further communications?
If you indicate that your gift is a one time gift we will flag this in our system.
If you indicate that your gift is a one time gift we will flag this in our system.
We need to have, in writing or e-mail, that you would like to be removed from our mailing lists. Please include ANY addresses that we may have for you. We will flag you in our database. We are required to respect your wishes.
If you are sending your gift in a direct mail envelope you received from us just check the "Anonymous" box. Otherwise just note on the check or in your note that you wish your gift to remain anonymous.
Everyone who makes a financial contribution to High Peaks Hospice receives a thank you at the bottom of which is our 501c3 designation information, Charities Registration number as well as a disclaimer that "no goods or services were provided."
All you need to do is to specify where you would like your contribution to be used and it will be used for that purpose. You will be sent a letter thanking you for your donation that also includes the restriction and our 501c3 and charities registration information.
You can either go to the "Donate" button on our website or call the office nearest you. We take Visa, Master card and Discover credit cards (also AMEX on the website). These are processed through a secure website.