Watch our informational video below.
For those facing a terminal illness, High Peaks Hospice supports you in living your best life and supports your family in caring for you. We believe our care is a benefit that every family deserves. Best of all. it’s covered by insurance, typically with no copays or deductibles!
We come to your home to provide:
Skilled Nursing Visits | Medical Equipment | Medications & Supplies | Symptom Management | Emotional, Spiritual & Practical Support | Volunteer Services
When does eligibility begin?
There’s a big difference between qualifying for hospice and being in your final days. Individuals of any age who have a prognosis of six months or less are likely eligible for hospice. Hospice will continue to provide treatments that help you feel better and maximize your comfort. It’s a shift from trying to cure to refocusing care on achieving your best outcome. The MAIN focus is redirected to getting the most LIFE out of your days rather than the most DAYS out of your life. And it often happens that improved QUALITY of life leads to a LONGER life.
When should I call hospice?
There is no need to wait for a crisis to occur. When you call early, you assure you do not miss out on the comfort and holistic care that hospice is uniquely designed to provide. So many of our patients say their only regret was signing onto hospice services too late because of how much better they felt after we started helping them. It’s never too early to learn about the options available to you now as well as learn about the support available for the days, weeks, and months ahead.
Who can make a referral to hospice?
Anyone can make a referral to hospice including a personal physician, nurse, friend, neighbor, a family member, or the patient themselves.
Even without a prognosis, there are signs that it is time to call for a hospice evaluation. These include frequent hospitalization, increased weakness, increased oxygen dependency, progressive and unintentional weight loss or gain, dementia with the inability to communicate, trouble swallowing, or a desire to focus on comfort care.
Connect with us to learn more about the benefits available to you and discuss eligibility.
Call us directly at 518-891-0606. We are happy to answer questions and provide free informational session to any individual or family considering hospice care.