High Peaks Hospice often fights a financial battle because the expense of its operation and specialized care is often greater than the reimbursement received from Medicare, Medicaid, and other private insurance companies. Each year we must close the gap with private donations.
The generous financial support of the dozens of north country communities we serve has been what has sustained High Peaks Hospice for over 30 years. Your ongoing financial support forms the foundation upon which we have provided compassionate hospice services to over 6,200 terminally ill individuals and their families. Without your generosity, we would not be here today.
If you wish to make a donation in the name of a loved one, please use the COMMENT field.
You can also make High Peak Hospice your Amazon Smile charity of choice.
Hospice care tends to the whole person rather than just the physical manifestations of illness. The hospice approach of total care includes emotional and spiritual care. The unit of care is not just the individual facing illness but also his or her loved ones – and providing more all encompassing care comes at a greater cost.
Here is where we need your help. Your ongoing generous financial gifts enable us to continue our mission of dignity, comfort and peace at the end of life.
While unrestricted donations are valuable as they enable us to use funds where they are most needed, often our donors wish that their financial contributions be used in a specific way. Please know, that should you wish to restrict your gift, we will honor your wishes. To assure transparency we carefully track all restricted income to ensure your wishes are upheld.
Your financial support means the world to us. Please partner with us by investing in the future of High Peaks Hospice and Palliative Care today. Thank you!
Donation F.A.Q.s
You can either go to the “Donate” button on our website or call the office nearest you. We take Visa, Master card and Discover credit cards (also AMEX on the website). These are processed through a secure website.
All you need to do is to specify where you would like your contribution to be used and it will be used for that purpose. You will be sent a letter thanking you for your donation that also includes the restriction and our 501c3 and charities registration information.
Everyone who makes a financial contribution to High Peaks Hospice receives a thank you at the bottom of which is our 501c3 designation information, Charities Registration number as well as a disclaimer that “no goods or services were provided.”
If you are sending your gift in a direct mail envelope you received from us just check the “Anonymous” box. Otherwise just note on the check or in your note that you wish your gift to remain anonymous.
We need to have, in writing or e-mail, that you would like to be removed from our mailing lists. Please include ANY addresses that we may have for you. We will flag you in our database. We are required to respect your wishes.
If you indicate that your gift is a one time gift we will flag this in our system.

Fundraising activities are critical to our financial success and, equally as important, they also serve as great venues to showcase our agency, educate and establish new relationships. Every year each of our three clinical offices holds fundraising events and gatherings.
Serving on the committee of events specific to your area and working with other hospice staff and volunteers assures the success of our events. Special events, both those organized by the agency and those done on our behalf by third parties, play an important role in philanthropy. The generous people who plan and host these events are also key players on our team. Our fundraising events provide not only needed funds but also an avenue for community members to turn this awareness into generous giving for Hospice Care (see Circle of Friends).
How can you make a difference?
- Serve on the committee to assist in organizing an event or gathering
- Serve on the committee to recruit participants and attendees
- Assist in publicity by distributing posters and flyers
- Volunteer to help out the date of the event or gathering
- Finally – if you have a great fundraising idea, the time and enthusiasm, hold a third party event on our behalf!
Anyone who has helped out at the Claire Sweet Memorial Golf Tournament in Lake George or Radio Day in Saranac Lake knows how much fun and how rewarding it can be to be involved in something with such a profound mission and purpose.
If you would like more information, would like to help out with an event or hold your own event on our behalf, or would like to serve on our Circle of Friends please contact the Development Coordinator in the office nearest you.