Luminary Remembrance Gathering in Port Henry
High Peaks Hospice invites you to join us for an outdoor Luminary Remembrance Celebration to commemorate those we’ve loved and lost.
Friday, April 30th from 7-8 pm | St. Patrick’s Church | 12 St Patrick’s Place, Port Henry, NY
Luminaries will represent those served by High Peaks Hospice from Aug. 15, 2020 – Mar. 31, 2021.
Family, friends, and community are welcome to attend and encouraged to write their loved one’s name on a luminary to add to the display. Lanterns are free to anyone experiencing a loss regardless of being in hospice.
We request that all visitors wear a mask to protect and respect staff and attendees. No restroom facilities are available.
Please RSVP 518-891-0606
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